Create and interface with projectable columns

col_binomial() is_col_binomial()

Create, or test for, objects of type projectable_col_binomial.

col_freq() is_col_freq()

Create, or test for, objects of type projectable_col_freq.

col_row() is_col_row()

Create and test for row-label columns

is_col() col_shadow() `col_shadow<-`() prj_project_col()

Test, get and set projectable_cols and their attributes


Get face values


Create new projectable_colvectors

Create metadata-rich table-like objects

prj_tbl_summarise() prj_tbl_rows() prj_tbl_cols()

Create metadata-rich tables

Project metadata-rich table-like objects

prj_project() prj_gt() prj_flex()

Project metadata-rich tables


Specify projections for multiple columns